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Cambridge Pro Bono Project

The Cambridge Pro Bono Project (‘CPP’) was established within the Faculty of Law in 2010, and launched by Professor Philippe Sands QC. Since then, the CPP has undertaken several major projects each year. We also host a number of events, focused on public, criminal and international law: in 2023, we hosted our Annual Lecture with Dr Justice DY Chandrachud, and in 2024, our Annual Lecture was provided by Professor Christine Chinkin.

Since its inauguration, the CPP has partnered with dozens of bodies, including NGOs, charities, barristers’ chambers and courts. The CPP is a research centre, not a legal clinic. It works on a model which draws on the subject-matter expertise of graduate doctoral researchers, masters students, and Faculty experts, to produce reports on a wide range of public interest matters, including in the fields of public international law, criminal law, and domestic British public law.  

We welcome project submissions from individuals and organisations undertaking public interest work in a pro bono capacity. We will start to examine project proposals for the 2025-2026 academic year: proposals should be emailed to by 20 September 2025. Information and answers to common queries can be found here.


Projects for the 2024-2025 academic year have been selected, you can find more information here.


If you would like further information on the CPP or are interested in working with us – either as a project partner or a volunteer student – please see our FAQ. You may contact the Executive Committee at You can also follow the CPP on Twitter or Facebook.